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Experienced DUI Lawyer in Rapid City

Are you facing criminal DUI charges?

In Rapid City, authorities have been intensifying their efforts to address incidents of driving under the influence (DUI). Facing a conviction for a DUI can result in significant repercussions, such as the suspension of a driver’s license, increased insurance expenses, substantial fines, and potential jail time. If you’ve been charged with driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs in Rapid City, you need an attorney that has a strong understanding of DUI laws in South Dakota. Looking for an experienced DUI lawyer in Rapid City doesn’t have to be a difficult or intimidating task. The lawyers at RENSCH LAW have many years of experience with DUI laws and are here to help you. In Misdemeanor cases, RENSCH LAW can make most appearances for the defendant without the defendant present in court so valuable workdays are not wasted. 

Hi, I’m Tim Rensch with Rensch law. We handle DWI cases DUI cases every single day, we can help you get through them.

There are people who have a few drinks get behind the wheel and they get pulled over, many times they just go right down and plead guilty. Even if you are guilty of that we can help you through this process in a way that makes you better off than people who are unrepresented.

We examine why they pulled you over, we see if we can get the charges thrown out, we make sure that your constitutional rights are protected, we can save you uh great inconveniences that these convictions can cause, and we can also teach you uh what you need to do to make this right. How you need to change your behavior, so that this doesn’t happen again.

Sometimes we can’t make them go away, but sometimes we can. And if we can’t we can take you through the process in the way that puts you in the best possible position.

For goodness sakes don’t call the prosecutor yourself and try to negotiate the case, it won’t work out. It’s like trying to take out your own appendix.

If you need a lawyer to fight for you in a DUI case, and to make it the best it can be, call me I might even be able to get rid of the charges.

I've been charged with a DUI. Will I lose my license?

A DUI arrest occurs if a person drives with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of .08% or more by weight of alcohol in blood, or if a person is under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, or other drugs. A DUI can also cost a person a commercial driver’s license. A second offense DUI will render a truck driver ineligible for a commercial driver’s license and can result in the loss of one ‘s livelihood. A second offense also has onerous burdens of expensive alcohol treatment, actual jail time, and participation in twice-daily preliminary breath tests (known as the 24/7 program), disallowing the consumption of alcohol for one year from the date of sentence. Every DUI case is different, it is vital to consult with the DUI lawyers at Rensch Law for specific answers related to to your case. 

How to win a DUI case in Rapid City, South Dakota

When it comes to winning or losing a DUI case, it is all depends on the specific case details. DUI cases can be won outright if a person’s blood alcohol content (BAC) is below .08% and if a person is not under the influence of alcohol or other drugs while driving. Cases at or near the legal limit can often be pled down to a Reckless Driving charge, which is also a Class 1 Misdemeanor but which does not enhance or subject one to a greater maximum penalty with subsequent convictions. This depends, though, on the facts of the case and the field sobriety tests.

DUI cases can also be won on a motion to suppress a stop for lack of reasonable suspicion, blood for lack of warrant or consent, or other reasons, depending upon the case. If a case cannot be won or thrown out, often plea agreements can be negotiated which lay out the type of sentence one would likely receive and allow for the timing. Every DUI case is different, it is vital to consult with the DUI lawyers at Rensch Law for specific answers related to to your case. 

a police officer placing handcuffs on a male for a DUI charge

Choosing the right lawyer if arrested for a DUI

If you are looking for a DUI lawyer to deal with a drunk driving case, RENSCH LAW is there. RENSCH LAW can also assist in pointing the client in the right direction to have sentencing requirements done in advance which allow for driving/work permits, suspended impositions of a sentence, arrangement of jail time, treatment, and favorable timing which allow clients to continue working. Please understand that while there are many standards and often ordered sentencing conditions, each case is different and there is no guarantee a judge or prosecutor will go along with any given request or sentencing provision.

RENSCH LAW scours the file to determine if there is an advantage to be made for the client upon technical legal grounds. If not, then RENSCH LAW works out the deal between the client and the state to resolve the case in the best possible fashion. RENSCH LAW, however, cannot guarantee a result, and each case is different. While this is true, RENSCH LAW has handled thousands of DUIs and will use the wealth of its collective experience to make the situation the best that it can be under the facts and the law.

man arrested for DUI/DWI

DUI Charges Frequently Asked Questions

In South Dakota, a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) conviction can stay on your driving record for a certain period of time, but the exact duration can vary depending on the specifics of your case and any subsequent convictions. Contact the DUI Lawyers at Rensch Law for more information. 

Yes, if you are convicted of a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) in South Dakota, you can lose your driver’s license as part of the penalties for the offense. The specific consequences and duration of the license suspension or revocation can vary depending on several factors, including the number of prior DUI convictions and the circumstances of the current offense. Contact the DUI Lawyers at Rensch Law for more information. 

If you get a DUI (Driving Under the Influence) for the first time in South Dakota, the specific consequences and penalties can vary based on the circumstances of your case and whether you have any prior DUI-related convictions. Contact the DUI Lawyers at Rensch Law for more information. 

A DUI (Driving Under the Influence) conviction can have significant and far-reaching impacts on various aspects of your life. These consequences can be both immediate and long-term, and they can affect your personal, legal, and financial well-being. Contact the DUI Lawyers at Rensch Law for more information. 

South Dakota State Legislature Codified DUI Laws

32-23-1. Driving or control of vehicle prohibited with alcohol in blood or while under influence of alcohol, drug, or intoxicant.

No person may drive or be in actual physical control of any vehicle while:

(1)    There is 0.08 percent or more by weight of alcohol in that person’s blood as shown by chemical analysis of that person’s breath, blood, or other bodily substance;

(2)    Under the influence of an alcoholic beverage, marijuana, or any controlled drug or substance not obtained pursuant to a valid prescription, or any combination of an alcoholic beverage, marijuana, or such controlled drug or substance;

(3)    Under the influence of any controlled drug or substance obtained pursuant to a valid prescription, or any other substance, to a degree which renders the person incapable of safely driving;

(4)    Under the combined influence of an alcoholic beverage and or any controlled drug or substance obtained pursuant to a valid prescription, or any other substance, to a degree which renders the person incapable of safely driving; or

(5)    Under the influence of any substance ingested, inhaled, or otherwise taken into the body as prohibited by § 22-42-15.

32-23-1.2. Submission to breath test required by officer–Chemical test after positive breath test.

Every person operating a vehicle which has been involved in an accident or which is operated in violation of any of the provisions of this chapter shall, at the request of a law enforcement officer, submit to a breath test to be administered by such officer. If such test indicates that such operator has consumed alcohol, the law enforcement officer may require such operator to submit to a chemical test in the manner set forth in this chapter.

32-23-2. Punishment for prohibited driving–First offense.

If conviction for a violation of § 32-23-1 is for a first offense, such person is guilty of a Class 1 misdemeanor, and the defendant’s driving privileges shall be revoked for not less than thirty days. However, the court may in its discretion issue an order upon proof of financial responsibility, pursuant to § 32-35-113, permitting the person to operate a vehicle for purposes of employment, 24/7 sobriety testing, attendance at school, or attendance at counseling programs. The court may also order the revocation of the defendant’s driving privilege for a further period not to exceed one year or restrict the privilege in such manner as it sees fit for a period not to exceed one year.

For further information from the South Dakota Legislature.

Information from South Dakota Division of Public Safety Driver’s Manual

If You Drink, When Can You Drive? The best advice is if you drink alcohol, do not drive. Even one drink of alcohol can affect your driving. An alcohol drink is 1 1/2 oz. of 80-proof liquor (one shot glass) straight or with a mixer, 12 oz. of beer (a regular size can, bottle, mug, or glass) or a 5 oz. glass of wine. Specialty drinks can have more alcohol in them and are the same as having several normal drinks. It takes about an hour for your body to get rid of each drink. So even if you have spread out your drinks, you should stop drinking at least one hour before you have to drive. There is no way to sober up quickly. Coffee, fresh air, exercise, or cold showers will not help. Time is the only thing that will sober you up.

For more information visit the South Dakota Division of Public Safety.

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